序号 | 论文题目 | 作者 | 刊物名称 | 发表时间 (年、卷、期) | 收录情况 | 1 | 基于特征点映射关系的接骨板系列化设计方法 | 何坤金 | 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报 | 2016, 28(9) | EI | 2 | Statistical Analyses of Femur Parameters for Designing Anatomical Plates | 何坤金 | Computational and mathematical methods in medicine | 2016, 28(9) | SCI | 3
| A parametric approach to construct femur models and their fixation plates | 何坤金 | Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment | 2016, 30(3) | SCI | 4
| Quick Construction of Femoral Model Using Surface Feature Parameterization | 陈正鸣 | Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics
| 2016(3) | SCI | 5
| A method for designing plates in treatments of proximal humeral fracture and distal radial fracture | 陈正鸣 | A method for designing plates in treatments of proximal humeral fracture and distal radial fracture | 2016(6) | SCI
| 6
| Feature recognition and volume generation of uncut regions for electrical discharge machining | 耿维忠、陈正鸣 | Advances in Engineering Software | 2016,91(c) | SCI | 7
| 基于熔融沉积成型技术的骨骼成型优化方法 | 童晶,许昕 | 计算机应用研究 | 2016.6 | EI | 8
| Human action recognition using improved salient dense trajectories | 李庆武等 | Computational Intelligence & Neuroscience | 2016, (5) | SCI | 9
| Human Visual System based Automatic Underwater Image Enhancement in NSCT domain | 周妍等 | KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems | 2016, 10(2) | SCI | 10
| 基于视频的静态场景与运动物体三维融合研究
| 何坤金 | 系统仿真学报 | 2016,28(1) | 中信所 | 11
| 基于开源场景图形的三维可视化与信息管理系统设计 | 何坤金 | 计算机应用 | 2016,36(7) | 中信所 |