中信所序号 | 论文题目 | 作者 | 刊物名称 | 发表时间 (年、卷、期) | 收录情况 | 1 | A Design Method for Orthopedic Plates Based on Surface Features | 何坤金 | JOURNAL OF MECHANICAL DESIGN | 2017, 139(2) | SCI | 2 | An approach for generating an average bone template with semantic parameters | 何坤金 | Journal of Medical Devices | 2017, 11(3) | SCI | 3 | A Novel Computer-Aided Approach for Parametric Investigation of Custom Design of Fracture Fixation Plates | 何坤金 | Computational and mathematical methods in medicine | 2017(7):1-7 | SCI | 4 | 基于模板的骨骼参数自动测量方法 | 何坤金 | 计算机科学 | 2017,44(06) | 中信所 | 5 | Rapid generation of human femur models based on morphological parameters and mesh deformation | 吴云燕 | Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment | 2017,31(1) | SCI | 6
| 基于部分先验识别的B-Rep模型全局对称性识别方法
| 陈正鸣 | 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报 | 2017, 29(2) | EI | 7
| 基于特征的静态装配CAD模型全局对称性识别方法 | 蒋俊锋等 | 计算机辅助设计与图形学学报 | 2017, 29(5) | EI | 8
| 实时交互的带浮雕纹理的三维模型构建方法 | 张洛声、童晶 | 计算机应用 | 2017,8 | 中信所 | 9
| Bionic vision-based intelligent power line inspection system | 李庆武,等 | Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine | 2017, (2017) | SCI | 10
| Human pose estimation by exploiting spatial and temporal constraints in body-part configurations | 李庆武,等 | IEEE Access | 2017, (99) | SCI | 11
| A Robust and Fast Method for Sidescan Sonar Image Segmentation Using Nonlocal Despeckling and Active Contour Model | 霍冠英等 | IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics | 2017, 47(4) | SCI | 12
| 空间约束FCM与MRF结合的侧扫声呐图像分割算法 | 霍冠英等 | 仪器仪表学报 | 2017, 38(1): | EI | 13
| HDFS访问中间件的事务设计与实现 | 吕嘉 | 计算机与现代化 | 2017,(1) | 中信所 |